What is Organic Robot?

The Story Behind The Organic Robot

Organic Robot is about the struggle many of us find ourselves living in today. We find ourselves excited about, as well as dependent on, the modern day technological advances while at the same time yearning for the things we have left by the wayside. It is about how as graphic designer I spend most of my time on a computer and social media and yet I count down the minutes to the weekend where I can get mud on my shoes, feel the wind on my face and enjoy personal interaction with the people around me. To laugh together instead of lol.

Organic Robot is about this dichotomy and how we live strive to live within it. Doing business with friends rather than customers. Getting as excited about your passions and projects as our own and helping to make those come to fruition. Listening and problem solving and then rolling up our sleeves to make it happen whether it is with a custom t-shirt or promotional items to show off your business.We don’t want to be just another corporate robot but rather, we want to be, a fellow human being who cares about our customers and our community. 

We are your Organic Robot.

Analog. Digital. We find ourselves engulfed in this conflict daily as more and more of how we live our daily lives revolves around being connected to our phones, computers and the consumption of information and digital media. I find myself pulled between this dichotomy desiring of the benefits of each side while struggling with the cons that come along with it.

I find myself craving instant communication and access to information and entertainment at my fingertips. However, at times, I also long for a life with less noise and visual clutter and more human contact and spaces to live in. I wish for kids now the innocence and wonder that unfortunately can no longer be found under our satellite skies where we are forced to explain the daily deluge of media stories involving violence and sexual depravity entirely too early. At times I can’t believe it but sometimes I even find myself grasping after some of the quickly fading traditions and values of the past.

I consider myself a digital artist and graphic designer. Gone are the days of pencil and paints and tactile art for the cleaner and more practical form of a laptop and Adobe Creative Suite. However, everything I create is built on that former foundation which has now minimized in my life killed by the ever ticking clock. I spend 10-12 hours a day on my computer all the while craving the wind on my face, muscles moving through the world and the smell of a forest after a summer rain. I remember reading how Henry Ford shut down his automobile factories for 2-3 weeks every spring and fall and had the assembly line employees all go outside and plant and harvest his farmland. His belief was that getting outside and working in the dirt for those times made them more satisfied employees and humans. They felt better to have the sun on their faces and soil under the fingernails even for just a bit. I really do think he was on to something there.

Organic Robot Designs is a response to this present day dilemma. To make a living as a graphic designer means butt to chair, face to screen and over-the-top social media is a necessity in modern day marketing. However, with the Organic Robot brand of outdoor recreational apparel I can vicariously enjoy those things I love (Outdoor recreation, where I live and the adventures of life) by creating and sharing with you these humble creations until the next weekend finally rolls around. As a screen printer I can enjoy face to face relationships with customers and the excitement of helping you to make your passions come to life. I can even get away from the computer at times to participate in the hands on manual artisan skills of the screen printer. 

Analog vs. digital is not just about art or about us at Organic Robot Designs. It is really more about the life we find ourselves living in in this 21st century. It is about how we find  ourselves constantly “old dogs” learning new and awesome tricks. It is about how sometimes we look back and question ourselves if things are really better while at the same time scratching our heads as to how we ever got by doing things like that for so long. It is about sitting down and writing a letter or shooting off a quick Snapchat. It is the hope for something better and the angst about the past slipping away with every departing generation. It is about turning the phone off for an hour and sitting and just watching the drama of a sunset or maybe seeing and talking to a friend on the other side of the world in real time on Skype.

The heart of the matter is that the war between analog and digital is essentially about change. It is less about progress and more like buying a new outfit. It is about the old and the new and how we daily strive to incorporate these sometimes conflicting ideas into one conglomerated life.

It is the Organic Robot.
Accordion Content

Check out our Indiana craft beer can wall in the store! 

No duplicates, all individual cans from craft beer breweries all around Indiana. Stop in and take a gander and tell a story about your favorite beer or brewery.


To see Google doc of all cans on the infamous  Organic Robot Designs beer wall!

Hoosier Shirt Of The Month Club

We LOVE the state where we live! Show off your Indiana pride and style with a brand-spanking new super cool Indiana t-shirt every month! You will look forward to this extremely soft quality t-shirt arriving in your mailbox at the beginning of every month emblazoned with yet another awesome Indiana themed design. Feel part of the community and pride as you wear your exclusive tee and see others wearing it every first Friday of the month. Start a subscription today and get one for a gift. No hassle easy cancel at any time. Join the cool kids and show your Indiana pride!

Follow Us on Facebook or Instagram

Here at Organic Robot Designs we are all about community. To keep up with all of the cool and crazy and irrelevant stuff here at Organic Robot Designs follow us on FB or Instagram and the social media platform of your choice. See what is coming up and don't miss out on specials and coupons. And even better yet, show us your cool stuff! We LOVE to see photos of you wearing your creations! Make sure to tag those pics with @organicrobotdesigns. Click links below to see what's happenin'!

Find us on Etsy!

Shop our Etsy store for all kinds of apparel with outdoor recreation designs (camping, fishing, hiking biking, kayaking, hunting, caving, adventuring and more!) as well asj one-of-a-kind unique Indiana designs. Click button below to go shopping!

We Bring Your Projects To Life!

Organic Robot Designs is custom apparel , embroidery, live printing at your event, decals, banners, oodles of promotional products, brand store and home of the Hoosier Shirt of the Month Club and more. We are professionals at making your personal and business projects come to fruition. No ideas are too small or too big. Tell us what grand plans are in your heads and we will help translate them to real life awesome products!Â